
The right to an education.

We ensure that children and young people with disabilities have access to an education and the services they need to succeed.


Inclusive Early Childhood Education

Across the world, over 90% of children with disabilities do not attend school. To tackle this problem in Uganda, we teamed up with our network member USDC, to implement an inclusive Early Childhood Education project.

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We have been working in East and Southern Africa to improve educational outcomes for children with disabilities.

Over the last five years…


Children Enrolled
We have supported 2,762 children with disabilities to access education so they can fulfil their potential.


Teachers Trained
We have provided inclusive education training for 3,463 teachers so children with disabilities are better able to learn.


Schools Modified
We have made 86 schools more accessible for children with disabilities to break down the barriers to their education.

The need to educate.

Children with disabilities are twice as likely to never attend school. Of those lucky enough to start, most drop out after a few months due to feelings of exclusion or stigma.

This exclusion and invisibility make them uniquely vulnerable, with a lack of basic education leading to potential financial deprivation.

While there has been substantial progress in access to education over recent decades, children with disabilities have continued to fall through the net and are being left behind.


Peace’s Story

Peace is a joyful and energetic six-year-old girl, the middle of three siblings. At an early age she was diagnosed with Down Syndrome which can sometimes make communication a challenge.

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