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The Federation of Disability Organisations in Malawi

FEDOMA are an umbrella organization of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities in Malawi working to provide a unified voice for all people with disabilities.

The Federation of Disability Organisations in Malawi (FEDOMA) was founded in 1999, as an umbrella of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) in Malawi to provide a unified voice for all OPDs. Through a more recent review of their affiliates, FEDOMA identified a significant gap in service provision and civil society representation for children with disabilities.

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FEDOMA recognised that it needed to do more to ensure the specific voices and needs of children with disabilities were represented across their membership and in their work, and so approached Able Child Africa to discuss a potential partnership. Following a long and robust process, a partnership was formalised in January 2021 and we are committed to support FEDOMA over the coming years to ensure that the protection, education, and empowerment of children with disabilities becomes a core aspect of their delivery and impact.

As the umbrella organization for 12 OPD’s in Malawi, FEDOMA are well placed to deliver programs at both a national and grassroots level which means our programmatic work together can provide meaningful and long-lasting impact on the lives of children with disabilities across Malawi. FEDOMA are imbedded within the national policy environment and are regularly consulted on high level policy, budgetary and implementation decisions that concern people with disabilities. Able Child Africa work with FEDOMA to strengthen their authority with these change makers, ensuring that they and their members are seen as the technical lead on how best to include children with disabilities within a Malawian context.

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