Juma is six years old and lives with his mother in Malawi.

Juma was diagnosed with cerebral palsy which is a physical disability that can affect movement and posture, and it also means that communication can sometimes be a challenge for him.

Juma’s mother was unaware that her son deserved same rights that all children are entitled too, including the right to an education.

Without the correct support, Juma was in danger of falling behind.

Through our project, in partnership with the Federation of Disability Organisations in Malawi (FEDOMA), Juma’s mother was encouraged to enrol him into an early childhood education (ECE) centre. Juma was then introduced to specialist caregivers who had been trained in inclusive early childhood education and who better understood the assistance he needed.

Through the support of the caregivers, Juma was helped in communicating his needs and understanding others. Using inclusive play as a tool to learn, Juma began to thrive among his peers, making friends along the way.

The project has helped Juma to develop the necessary skills to learn and has widened his potential. Juma’s mother now realises that Juma deserves an education as much as every other child and believes he can achieve anything he wants.

I foresee a future where persons with disabilities are able to live happy and fulfilled lives and be active members of society.

I come from a poor background and never learned to read or write, but now I believe that despite Juma’s disability, he has a chance to get a good education and a good job in the future.

Juma’s mother

With Juma enroled in the ECE centre , it has also freed up time for his mother to work and earn income for them both, where previously she had to stay at home to take care of him.

As a mother I am happy because Juma got the assistance he needed, and I am grateful to the project for the work they do to help him and others.

– Juma’s mother


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